Competitive Program | Tennis 13 Fitness


The Children’s Competitive Tennis Program aims to improve the skills of young athletes and prepare them for the challenges of competitive tennis. Our program has been carefully designed by experienced coaches who have years of experience in training young tennis players.

Our program offers personalized coaching for each child, helping them to develop their strengths and work on their weaknesses. Coaching focuses on all aspects of the game, including technique, tactics, fitness, and mental strength. Coaches also provide advice on nutrition and injury prevention to ensure that children are in the best possible health.

Our program includes regular training sessions, friendly matches, and participation in local and regional tournaments. This gives the children plenty of opportunities to test their skills and gain valuable experience. Children also have the opportunity to participate in tennis camps, workshops, and courses to help them further improve their game.

We believe that competitive tennis offers children valuable life skills such as discipline, resilience, and teamwork. Our program aims to instill these values in children and help them to grow into confident, well-rounded individuals.

Overall, our competitive junior tennis program is an excellent opportunity for advanced young tennis players to develop their skills and reach their full potential in the sport. We welcome all children who are interested in joining our program and want to experience the thrill of competitive tennis.

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Make your life an active life. Achieve a life without limits. Be 13 active.



*Our opening hours during the summer.

Monday to Thursday: 6:30 AM to 11:00 PM

Friday: 6:30 AM to 9:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday: 6:30 AM to 7:00 PM



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